

When I join the Red Hat Kernel Storage Group , I was started thinking How long it could take that I become the professional?

Like where does the sectors go when I using the SSD instead the HDD? how should I ….. I have so many questions in my head waiting for answers.

BUT After asking around there was none who would like to give out the cleanr enough anwser to me , so I just start a personal project long time ago which I will learn it by myself , I will writing a record while I’m leanring , so that people could stand by me to climibing the kernel mountain.

When I start to climibing the kernel mountain , I figure out there was couple tiger on my the way to top:

  1. I don’t have the map .which mean I have to try all of the roads..
  2. I am not good at C language, like I am not able to walking stable then I go to climb the mountain
  3. I’m a steam game player ,, which mean I will spend about 3 hours at lease to play the PC game everyday …..

I think I need to record the roads I’ve been though and drwaing the map .
So I put them into Fine way to linux kernel, as the story told, I was shocked that how people understand Linux Kernel and OpenSource things, hope this could get you out and make you have a clear big map when you talking working dancing with them.

For the steam game and C language things,which I need to push them every day I think now it is the time to request some braves.

may the brave with me that I could chose to learn some kernel things after a daily working
may the brave with me that I could keep what I was learn from yesterday
may the brave with me that I could finish a mid long term project and make some success

Flag set , time goes by , fat Fine goes on , Let see how far I could go.

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About Fine Fan

Fine just an IT guy,who is not a good student in the school ,but a funny guy when he gets a job.

Beijing, China
