There are funny things that Fine wants to share with you .

Fedora 39 workstation suspend problem

Fedora 39 workstation suspend problem

When I update my laptop from Fedora 37 to Fedora 39, There comes the problem: No matter you disabled the “suspend” or not , it will always fall into suspend statue after about 15 minutes.
当我把我的笔记本从Fedora 37 更新到 Fedora 39 之后,就遇到了一个问题,就是无论你在GNOME 的设置里面是否禁用了Suspend,它总会让GNOME 保持 15分钟后 休眠的 一个状态。

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About Fine's Red Hat Tatoo

About Fine's Red Hat Tatoo

After I’ve on boarded Red Hat in 2019, I got a Red Hat tatoo on my right arm.
Here is my story about why I doing that.


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This is how Fine thinking about selfdevelopment on a higher way in his mind.
I think this could be one of the answer of my growing up question what is the big picture above us.

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