

This is how Fine thinking about selfdevelopment on a higher way in his mind.
I think this could be one of the answer of my growing up question what is the big picture above us.

00 How to read this picture ? from left bottom corner to the up right corner then back to the left bottom corner. Now Let me show them part by part.
At the left bottom corner , all start with a daily queston “Why I can not find common topic with my parents and kidz?” , In my mind it all cause we are in a high speed grow country. It has thousand changes during 3 generations which others will take centtury.There are the steps:
Have enough to eat and wear



If you want to grow yourself up , In my opinion you need a stable statue of a family , there are 2 ways to be there: 1 is to understand and take care to each other , 2 is the cold war. In my family we are too stupid to take the No.1 way so I pickup the cold war.

如果你想要自我发展的话,在我看来你需要一个 __ 家庭平稳状态 __,有2种方式到达这种状态,1 是和睦相处 2 是冷战,我家里面人太笨了,所以我选择了冷战。


After I got bipolar disorder there was an answer I’ve searched for a long time “WTF is normal people?” Here is what I’ve found:

  1. You don’t feel painful yourslef.
  2. Poeple around you didn’t feel you are painful.
  3. Your eusocial functioning normal.

在我确诊 双向情感障碍 之后,我就一直在寻找一个答案,“什么他妈的是他妈的正常?”,经过一番寻找终于找到了相关答案:

  1. 你自己不觉得痛苦
  2. 你周围的人不觉得你痛苦
  3. 你的社会职能正常


There are always people around you saying life tips. For me I just put them into 2 buckets , one called “stable” — “Come on you’ve already here just enjoy” ,another is called “upward” — “Men climb up , water falls down.”, 2 buckets in pairs but in different level of the self, like “You own 70 shop in your city , you are thinking about how to extented it to 100 shops.” Here comes to the guy “Hey I got tips for you that you could live in this city just cost 3000 per month.” —- WTF.

周围的人总会给我们各种各样的人生建议,我这里简单的分成两个框来装,一个是“维稳”—-“既来之则安之”,另一个是“向上”—“人往高处走,水往低处流”。需要注意的是,这种成对框是放在 架子的不同层级的,有种情况就非常蛋疼“你是在你的城市里面已经拥有了70家店了,下一步你想的是如何开到100家店铺”,突然跑过来一个人跟你说“如何在这里3000块生活一个月的事情” 你就不想理它。


For the Money things, I’ve talked to bunch of my friends there finally comes this module “the bathtub” incomeing water is your money input , the output is your money cost, the water level in the bathtub is your daily life quality. How strong is the bathtub is represent how many knowledge of money things you have.

For Personal Business module:

  1. Sell your time for value for only one time.
  2. Sell your time for value for multiple times.
  3. Buying other’s time for makeing value.

For Definition of finanical freedom : You never have sell your time for money to keep your daily life going . this is only the first steps :
Finanical Freedom -> Family wealth accumulation -> Inheritance of family wealth

It is a dynamic balance things.

If you want to be rich , don’t saving water for too long change your river.

关于金钱的事情,我和我周围的朋友们讨论了一圈,发现 浴缸 这个模型挺合适,入水就是你的收入,出水是你的支出,浴缸内的水就是你的日常生活,缸壁代表着你的财商知识储备。


  1. 一份时间用一次
  2. 一份时间用多次
  3. 购买多人时间来创造价值

关于财务自由的定义是: 你再也不用为了日常生活开支而出卖你的时间的时候。当然这只是第一步,后面还有:
财富自由 -> 家族财富积累 -> 财富传承




There are “successful men” there, in my mind there are two standard for benchmark:

  1. Emotionormal
  2. Stable social value output.


  1. 情绪稳定
  2. 稳定的社会价值输出

For the “Social Value” if you want to evaluate it , it becomes to the money number, but remember it is only the by-product when you making values, but it is a kind of best to use one.

关于社会价值 ,如果你想要去评估它的话,就会 非常俗气的回到了钱上面,当时请记住这个只是你在创造价值时候的副产品,但是确实是一个非常好用的第三方标杆。
How to make value? by doing things.
如何创造价值呢? 踏踏实实做事情就可以了。

Doing things for how long? make it done. You have “get in”, “know the table”, “break though”, “make it done”. 做事情做到什么时候呢?做成事, 需要 入局 识局 破局 成事。


Here comes to the big hat , and back to the original points. Your values will back to the social and make it progress.
之后就来到了 扣大帽子的环节,同时也是闭环到 原出点的地方了,你创造的价值将会回馈到社会上,帮助社会进步。

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About Fine Fan

Fine just an IT guy,who is not a good student in the school ,but a funny guy when he gets a job.

Beijing, China
